Thursday, March 25, 2021

Message in a Bottle | Nicholas Sparks


Genre: Romance

Overall Rating: 5* 

‘Message in a Bottle' is a heart-wrenching love story set in the 1990s and is painted beautifully by the author Nicholas Sparks. This novel explores different layers of love, romance, passion, loyalty, loneliness, loss and so much more.

The question on the cover page constantly whirled in my mind while reading this book.  

 ‘Do you believe in love?’

Garett Blake has been tossing messages in glass bottles across the ocean for Catherine, a girl he loves to death. Theresa Osborne stumbles upon a corked glass bottle on the beach while vacationing at Cape Cod. In the bottle is the letter having a distinct ship’s logo, wrapped in yarn and containing a message which changes Theresa’s life forever. Theresa could not help but notice the deep emotions and a sense of loss Garett was feeling while writing the letter. She instantly got absorbed in every word Garett had written for Catherine and before she knew tears were rolling down her cheeks damping the letter in her hand. 

The beginning and the ending of the letter were-  

‘July 22, 1997

My Dearest Catherine,

I miss you, my darling, as I always do, but today is especially hard because the ocean has been singing to me, and the song is that of our life together. I can almost feel you beside me as I write this letter…

…I am alone on the pier and I do not care what others think as I bow my head and cry and cry and cry.’ 


Theresa, a smart, intelligent woman in her early thirties and divorced due to her husband’s infidelity, is a single parent to her 12-year-old son. She works as a columnist for the Boston Times.

The letter has such a lasting impact that Theresa decides to publish the letter in her column, obviously by masking the names. The response to her column is overwhelming and soon enough she receives a call from one of her readers mentioning the existence of a similar letter having the logo of the ship as an identifier. Theresa asks for the letter to be faxed to her and Yes! The letter is from Garret; however, it is dated 3 years back. 

The beginning and the ending of the letter were-  

‘March 6, 1994

My Darling Catherine,

Where are you? And why, I wonder as I sit alone in a darkened house, have we been forced apart?

…Out of all the people in all the world I could ever have loved- I had to fall in love with someone who was taken away from me.’


Theresa gets so intrigued by these letters that her curiosity leads her to finding a third letter already published in a local journal. 

The last few sentences of the letter were- 

‘September 25, 1995

Dear Catherine,

…. You –and you alone – have always been the only thing I wanted, and now that you are gone, I have no desire to find another. Till death do us part, we whispered in the church, and I’ve come to believe that the words will ring true until the day finally comes when I, too, am taken from this world.’


Finally, Theresa decides to meet Garett in person, and after a few phone calls and taking cues from the letter, she finds out where she needs to fly to the next morning- Wilmington, North Carolina.

The real story starts when Garett meets Theresa on the dockyard. As the story progresses more details about Garett’s life come into the light like unravelling a mystery. A major in marine biology and grown up on waters as a family business, Garett is now a dive specialist and a diving instructor. He also owns a shop at the beach and a beautiful ship called Happenstance. 

They soon become good friends and unknowingly fall in love with each other. On their first date, Garett takes Theresa for deep-water sailing. They meet several times in the coming months trying to make their long-distance relationship work. But the loss of Catherine and distance from Theresa does not help to overcome Garett’s sadness and loneliness. 

All this while, Catherine does not leave his mind and it is a real test of Garett’s heart to love Theresa when he is still deeply in love with Catherine who is now no more. He is torn between the past and the present not willing to betray Catherine. 

At one of the meetings, Garett finds out about his letters that Theresa owned and is devastated. Theresa had not found the courage to tell him yet, not wanting to lose the love of her life. Feeling betrayed and at a loss for love once again he writes two letters, this time one for each- Catherine and Theresa.

After posting the letter to Theresa, Garret takes his ship in the deep seas in rough stormy weather. He has a message to send to Catherine. Something that needs to be sealed forever. 

Are these Garett’s final letters, who exactly is Catherine, what happened to her and how does this love story finally meet its end is something the readers need to read and experience. 

The emotional journey of this book is so overwhelming that by the end of the book you will find yourself in tears. 

One of the reasons the letters become so special is because it shows Garett’s personality and the fact that he is a loyal and devoted lover and a hopelessly romantic person. Who wouldn’t want to be with someone like him?

This story touched my heart so much that I am still lingering over the it even after years of reading and re-reading this book. This book gave me a fresh perspective and taught me the true definition of Love. 

Seize the moment with your loved one when there’s time because once they are gone you will only be left with memories; while sending messages in the bottle will not bring them back!




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