Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The 5 AM Club | Robin Sharma

Genre:- Non-fiction: Self-Help

Overall Rating: 5*

When an entrepreneur and an artist are in great peril in their individual lives, they decide to attend a personal optimization conference. A conference conducted by a remarkable speaker, who gives a 3600 spin to their lives and leads them to a path of success and a life-long mantra to happiness. 



 ‘The 5 AM Club’ is a masterpiece written by Robin Sharma. This book talks about the benefits of rising early and also provides a scientific and rational explanation of the concepts associated with it. 

‘The 5 AM Club' is a “Must Read” for everyone, literally EVERYONE. 

The story revolves around a struggling entrepreneur and an artist who is trying to survive in this competitive world. As they stumble upon the mentor of ‘The 5 AM Club’, they learn some of the most precious and life-saving lessons that change their lives forever.

Life can take unexpected turns and the author has articulated several models to live life to the best of one’s capacity. These eminent and truly magical words of wisdom are a rarity in today’s world. 

 Some of the key gems elucidated in this book are:

  • Believing that you are not mediocre.
  • The importance of honoring the quiet morning hours and making the most of the solace. Those few extra hours away from distraction and before the routine hustle & bustle can be a game-changer.
  • The 3 Step Success Formula explaining the importance to shift our focus from Superficiality to Granularity.
  • Key focus areas of the successful world leaders and stars of their respective fields.
  • The secret of morning genius- Neuroscience backing the 5 AM Club routine.
  • Holistic development of Mind, Heart, Soul, and Health.
  • The 20/20/20 Formula- A Gold Standard in instilling and adhering to the 5 AM routine. If diligently followed, this formula can catapult one’s life to yield the most amazing results.
  • Sleep is an indispensable aspect of attaining that genius one is striving for. Exhaustion and fatigue will only serve as road-blockers.

The 5 AM club feels like a breath of fresh air if you trying to get a grip over your chaotic life or if you are longing to get an acceleration to your so-called ‘stable’ life. The nuances in this book will keep you hooked till the last page. The author has ensured to include inspirational quotes from famous personalities throughout the book. Pictorial and tabular representations of the concepts help in retaining them better.

This book will lift your spirits with every page and inspire you to bring your life on track to achieve that ‘missing something’ you have been searching for your entire life.

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