Saturday, April 16, 2022

Norwegian Wood | Haruki Murakami

Genre:- Romance, Fiction, Bildungsroman

Overall Rating: 3.5*

Hmm! Quirky, unsettling, entangled love stories, coming of age is what Norwegian Wood is all about.

The foremost experience of reading the initial few lines from this book is the link between Music and Memory. 

The title of the book is inspired by the famous Beetles rock song ‘Norwegian Wood’ from the mid-60s. The lyrics of the song and the essence of this novel have a resemblance to the forest experiences, affairs, quiet, lost life, and surviving through the depression. 

Authored by Haruki Murakami in 1987 and set in the late 60s in Japan during evolving times, this novel gives the readers a one-of-a-kind experience of love and hate, happiness and sadness at the same time. 

It is a first-person, retrospective narration through the lens of the protagonist Toru Watanabe.

At 37, when Toru hears the song Norwegian Wood by Beetles on an airplane, his heart takes him 20 years to the past when he was just 17 years old. All the memories of his lost love, friends, university, and his teenage experiences flash before him.

Norwegian Wood describes the life of a teenage college boy, Toru, and how the death of his best friend, Kizuki at the age of 17 changes his life forever. 

‘All I knew- with absolute certainty- was that Kizuki’s death had robbed me for ever of some part of my adolescence. But what that meant, and what would come of it, were far beyond my understanding.’

Toru is indecisive and confused in his relationships in an attempt to maintain distance from the world. His not-so-stable relationships with the two main characters of this novel Naoko and Midori and later in the years his closeness with Reiko is a surreal experience. Kizuki’s girlfriend Naoko and Toru’s classmate Midori are two very unique female characters who are the stark opposite of each other.

While Toru is still trying to understand his loyalties and love for Naoko and Midori, one of them ultimately gets lost in a sanatorium and secludes herself forever. The events that follow are heart-wrenching exhibit of teenage fantasy, sexual liberation, and a lingering feeling of love that pierces your heart and mind at various stages.

This is not a normal romantic love story but a constant reminder that love without closure is like a slow poison. 

The rhythm of the book is mellow and the writing is very descriptive. Some chapters are long and a bit stretched. There is an overall sad and miserable demeanor to the story. 

Although, each character is beautifully carved, it is disappointing that the female characters are shown broken, depressed, vulnerable, and unable to get their lives on track. Recurring mental illness in all the female characters is disturbing to read when all the characters irrespective of their gender are somewhat traumatized in their way.

The theme of the book is literature, suicide, mental illness, raw love, sexuality, and music.

Throughout the book, there are interesting cultural, musical, and literature references that are a breath of fresh air in an otherwise dark and slow-paced story. Since Toru is always reading, the author has plugged in gems from the literature in this novel. 

Overall, this journey highlights Survival Skills. Toru carries along with his life in all circumstances and does not submit to death. 

The narrative and Toru’s monologue are articulated beautifully. Murakami is an ace author and he has managed to create a stir amongst the audiences with this disruptive, yet exceptional story. 

The last few chapters are extremely tragic and I couldn’t help but notice that for several days I was in a different zone, mentally after reading Norwegian Wood. 

'Forehead pressed against the glass, I shut my eyes and waited. At last, Midori’s quiet voice broke the silence: “Where are you now?”

Where was I now? 

Gripping the receiver, I raised my head and turned to see what lay beyond the phone box. Where was I now? I had no idea.'

Literature references mentioned in this book that are worth reading:-

  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • The Centaur by John Updike

  • The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann

  • Beneath the Wheel by Hermann Hesse

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus | John Gray

 Genre:-  Self-help

 Overall Rating: 5*

What a perfectly written book! Absolutely pertinent and crisp with the ability to repair and flourish relationships permanently.


The title of the book is quirky and gives a hint of what lies ahead for the readers. The author John Gray has taken a rather common issue and managed to provide solutions in a creative and simplified manner. 


Men want space while women want understanding.

By supporting her need to be heard she could support his need to be free.


The author has metaphorically titled the book ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ to indicate the clear differences between men and women and their daily struggles in the relationships due to these differences. The core concept of this book is to understand and accept the psychological, biological, emotional, and behavioral differences of both genders and harmoniously sail through our relationships with this knowledge.  


The secret to empowering a man is never to try to change him or improve him.


The language of the book is uncomplicated and relatable. The author has included anecdotes from his relationships and experiences which gives it a personal touch and ensures an instant connection. To simplify the subject, there are various scenarios with the Do’s and the Don’ts that are extremely helpful.


Throughout this book, I couldn’t help but notice that every sentence was relatable with my relationships and I started getting the solutions to my unanswered questions and implementing them positively. 


When a man is silent it is easy for a woman to imagine the worst.


After a long time, readers will come across a perfectly balanced book. John Gray has brought our life into a clearer perspective and ensured that both the genders are getting equivalent help throughout this book. These gems of wisdom are a must read. 


To feel better Martians go to their caves to solve problems alone.

To feel better Venusians get together and openly talk about their problems.


Lastly, the key to imbibing this book into our lives is by ‘Self Reflection’.





Monday, December 6, 2021

The Dandelion Years | Erica James

 Genre:-  Fiction, Romance

 Overall Rating: 3.5 *

A mysterious diary, an unusual family and love stories that will melt your heart is what ‘The Dandelion Years’ is all about.

Saskia, lives with her father and two grandfathers in a beautiful house in Ashcombe, Suffolk village. The loss of Saskia’s mother and both the grandmothers was a turning point for the family leading to this unusual arrangement.

Saskia helps her dad with his family run bookshop as well as independently works as a book restorer.

During a probate valuation, Saskia stumbles upon a hidden diary written by the late Professor Belinsky celebrating his wartime love story and the unbearable loss. Saskia gets hooked to the diary and is determined that there is one more written by the professor and eventually reads it too. During the process, Saskia realizes what she has been missing all her life and the diary provides the answers to all her emotional turbulences.

Halfway through the book, the purpose of choosing ‘The Dandelion Years' as the title is beautifully revealed.  The author has cleverly linked the stories which draw a parallel between the past and the present.

Although there are few roller-coaster episodes and the story moves at a slow pace, a few twists towards the end help in elevating the overall storyline. This book is a light read for readers of all age groups.

-What's the story behind Saskia's mother and grandmothers?

-What's in the diary?

-Who reads the diary apart from Saskia?

-How does the diary impact the readers?

All these questions will be answered once you read the book. Enjoy!


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Name of This Book is Secret | Pseudonymous Bosch

 Genre:-  Mystery, Adventure, Children's Fantasy, Fiction

 Overall Rating: 4.8 *

The primary decision-making factors for a reader to pick a book are the title of the book and the author who has penned the story. But, when I chose this book, apart from the 2 primary reasons, what caught my eye was the interesting choice of words in the title and the author’s name that have a hint of secrecy. At the same time, it’s clear that the author is not willing to spill the beans just yet.

The author has hidden his identity by this interesting name- Pseudonymous Bosch. The title is witty and fresh- The Name of This Book is Secret.

The death of a magician, his missing diary, and the Symphony of Smells open the gate to an array of mysterious events. When two courageous children, Cass and Max-Ernest take upon the quest to solve these mysteries they fall into the vicious trap of unusual people. Little did they know that those people are in search of a ‘Secret’, a secret so powerful and horrendous, it can turn everyone’s lives upside down.

Along the way, our tow protagonists realize that there is an alternate perspective to the sensorial experiences, and ‘Symphony of Smells’ connects those dots to the entire story.

Great teamwork, valiance, kindness, and a keen understanding of important literature and historical facts are seen while Cass and Max-Ernest are on this adventure.

It’s commendable that the author has not taken the traditional approach while writing this book. It is written in quite an informal tone with timely explanations and hints. The writing is easy to understand and from the get-go, the author connects with readers of all age groups. I would not categorize this book only as ‘Children Fantasy Novel’ because I was completely hooked to the book till the last word.

This book will get your heart racing till the very end.

A small tip: - Look up the meaning of the word ‘Synaesthesia’ before you start reading.

I can’t reveal anymore...

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The 5 AM Club | Robin Sharma

Genre:- Non-fiction: Self-Help

Overall Rating: 5*

When an entrepreneur and an artist are in great peril in their individual lives, they decide to attend a personal optimization conference. A conference conducted by a remarkable speaker, who gives a 3600 spin to their lives and leads them to a path of success and a life-long mantra to happiness. 



 ‘The 5 AM Club’ is a masterpiece written by Robin Sharma. This book talks about the benefits of rising early and also provides a scientific and rational explanation of the concepts associated with it. 

‘The 5 AM Club' is a “Must Read” for everyone, literally EVERYONE. 

The story revolves around a struggling entrepreneur and an artist who is trying to survive in this competitive world. As they stumble upon the mentor of ‘The 5 AM Club’, they learn some of the most precious and life-saving lessons that change their lives forever.

Life can take unexpected turns and the author has articulated several models to live life to the best of one’s capacity. These eminent and truly magical words of wisdom are a rarity in today’s world. 

 Some of the key gems elucidated in this book are:

  • Believing that you are not mediocre.
  • The importance of honoring the quiet morning hours and making the most of the solace. Those few extra hours away from distraction and before the routine hustle & bustle can be a game-changer.
  • The 3 Step Success Formula explaining the importance to shift our focus from Superficiality to Granularity.
  • Key focus areas of the successful world leaders and stars of their respective fields.
  • The secret of morning genius- Neuroscience backing the 5 AM Club routine.
  • Holistic development of Mind, Heart, Soul, and Health.
  • The 20/20/20 Formula- A Gold Standard in instilling and adhering to the 5 AM routine. If diligently followed, this formula can catapult one’s life to yield the most amazing results.
  • Sleep is an indispensable aspect of attaining that genius one is striving for. Exhaustion and fatigue will only serve as road-blockers.

The 5 AM club feels like a breath of fresh air if you trying to get a grip over your chaotic life or if you are longing to get an acceleration to your so-called ‘stable’ life. The nuances in this book will keep you hooked till the last page. The author has ensured to include inspirational quotes from famous personalities throughout the book. Pictorial and tabular representations of the concepts help in retaining them better.

This book will lift your spirits with every page and inspire you to bring your life on track to achieve that ‘missing something’ you have been searching for your entire life.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

Genre:- Non-fiction: Self-Help book

Overall rating: 3.5*           


The book ‘IKIGAI’ by Hector Carcia and Fransesc Miralles is an extremely soothing and inspirational book which leaves the readers with a feel-good factor and a deep sense of motivation. This book encompasses various techniques by which our mind and body can be aligned so as to lead a fulfilling and happy life. 

‘Ikigai’ is a Japanese word that means, “the happiness of always being busy”. 

As per the Japanese beliefs, “Only staying active will make you want to live a hundred years.”

Ikigai can also be referred to as a ‘purpose’.  Every individual has their own Ikigai which encourages one to get up from bed each morning and pursue their dreams. Some people are clear about their purpose in life but, for those who are still searching, this book gives you tools and methods to identify your Ikigai.

Japan is the country having the most centenarians and with the highest life expectancy in the world, it is only precise that the authors visited Japan to interview hundreds of locals and unraveled this amazing masterpiece. The authors visited the village Ogimi which has earned the name, ‘Village of Longevity’. The elderly even of the age above 80 and 90 are still active and working as opposed to sleeping or resting the entire day. They believe in keeping their bodies mobile right from dawn to dusk. 

As Easy as Getting out of Your Chair- Metabolism slows down 90 percent after 30 minutes of sitting.

Every chapter of the book is specific to a particular habit that the Japanese follow along with a defined logic and theory behind the same. Ikigai gives us 10 golden rules as a summary on the last page of the book:

  1. Stay active; don’t retire
  2. Take it slow
  3. Don’t fill your stomach - The 80 percent rule – stop eating when you are 80% full
  4. Surround yourself with good friends
  5. Get in shape for your next birthday
  6. Smile
  7. Reconnect with nature
  8. Gratitude
  9. Live in the moment
  10. Follow your Ikigai

The book is written in very lucid and simple language. Authors have provided translations to Japanese words and hence it is not difficult to grasp and does not break the chain of thought while reading. Time and again the Japanese words with translations give us the first-hand feel of the Japanese traditions and the message they are trying to convey to the world. 

After reading, I felt that some of the traditional Japanese concepts are interesting and a good learning experience. However, I was already aware of the few others; hearing them from my grandparents and parents since childhood. However, the way this book walks us through every principle is a breath of fresh air. It also sends across a strong message that along with physical health, emotional well-being is equally important. 

This book reignites that fire of self-care and motivates us to get back to the basics to find our life’s purpose and keep doing so till we find our Ikigai. 

Health and fitness are the most talked about topics all around us. Suddenly, there is a wave of lifestyle modification that has led to the eruption of several new diets and workout regimes with attractive promises. 

With the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus, it has become glaringly important that everything else can wait, but health cannot. Ikigai is a light read with an educational value to it.

Life is not a problem to be solved. Just remember to have something that keeps you busy doing what you love while being surrounded by the people who love you.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Message in a Bottle | Nicholas Sparks


Genre: Romance

Overall Rating: 5* 

‘Message in a Bottle' is a heart-wrenching love story set in the 1990s and is painted beautifully by the author Nicholas Sparks. This novel explores different layers of love, romance, passion, loyalty, loneliness, loss and so much more.

The question on the cover page constantly whirled in my mind while reading this book.  

 ‘Do you believe in love?’

Garett Blake has been tossing messages in glass bottles across the ocean for Catherine, a girl he loves to death. Theresa Osborne stumbles upon a corked glass bottle on the beach while vacationing at Cape Cod. In the bottle is the letter having a distinct ship’s logo, wrapped in yarn and containing a message which changes Theresa’s life forever. Theresa could not help but notice the deep emotions and a sense of loss Garett was feeling while writing the letter. She instantly got absorbed in every word Garett had written for Catherine and before she knew tears were rolling down her cheeks damping the letter in her hand. 

The beginning and the ending of the letter were-  

‘July 22, 1997

My Dearest Catherine,

I miss you, my darling, as I always do, but today is especially hard because the ocean has been singing to me, and the song is that of our life together. I can almost feel you beside me as I write this letter…

…I am alone on the pier and I do not care what others think as I bow my head and cry and cry and cry.’ 


Theresa, a smart, intelligent woman in her early thirties and divorced due to her husband’s infidelity, is a single parent to her 12-year-old son. She works as a columnist for the Boston Times.

The letter has such a lasting impact that Theresa decides to publish the letter in her column, obviously by masking the names. The response to her column is overwhelming and soon enough she receives a call from one of her readers mentioning the existence of a similar letter having the logo of the ship as an identifier. Theresa asks for the letter to be faxed to her and Yes! The letter is from Garret; however, it is dated 3 years back. 

The beginning and the ending of the letter were-  

‘March 6, 1994

My Darling Catherine,

Where are you? And why, I wonder as I sit alone in a darkened house, have we been forced apart?

…Out of all the people in all the world I could ever have loved- I had to fall in love with someone who was taken away from me.’


Theresa gets so intrigued by these letters that her curiosity leads her to finding a third letter already published in a local journal. 

The last few sentences of the letter were- 

‘September 25, 1995

Dear Catherine,

…. You –and you alone – have always been the only thing I wanted, and now that you are gone, I have no desire to find another. Till death do us part, we whispered in the church, and I’ve come to believe that the words will ring true until the day finally comes when I, too, am taken from this world.’


Finally, Theresa decides to meet Garett in person, and after a few phone calls and taking cues from the letter, she finds out where she needs to fly to the next morning- Wilmington, North Carolina.

The real story starts when Garett meets Theresa on the dockyard. As the story progresses more details about Garett’s life come into the light like unravelling a mystery. A major in marine biology and grown up on waters as a family business, Garett is now a dive specialist and a diving instructor. He also owns a shop at the beach and a beautiful ship called Happenstance. 

They soon become good friends and unknowingly fall in love with each other. On their first date, Garett takes Theresa for deep-water sailing. They meet several times in the coming months trying to make their long-distance relationship work. But the loss of Catherine and distance from Theresa does not help to overcome Garett’s sadness and loneliness. 

All this while, Catherine does not leave his mind and it is a real test of Garett’s heart to love Theresa when he is still deeply in love with Catherine who is now no more. He is torn between the past and the present not willing to betray Catherine. 

At one of the meetings, Garett finds out about his letters that Theresa owned and is devastated. Theresa had not found the courage to tell him yet, not wanting to lose the love of her life. Feeling betrayed and at a loss for love once again he writes two letters, this time one for each- Catherine and Theresa.

After posting the letter to Theresa, Garret takes his ship in the deep seas in rough stormy weather. He has a message to send to Catherine. Something that needs to be sealed forever. 

Are these Garett’s final letters, who exactly is Catherine, what happened to her and how does this love story finally meet its end is something the readers need to read and experience. 

The emotional journey of this book is so overwhelming that by the end of the book you will find yourself in tears. 

One of the reasons the letters become so special is because it shows Garett’s personality and the fact that he is a loyal and devoted lover and a hopelessly romantic person. Who wouldn’t want to be with someone like him?

This story touched my heart so much that I am still lingering over the it even after years of reading and re-reading this book. This book gave me a fresh perspective and taught me the true definition of Love. 

Seize the moment with your loved one when there’s time because once they are gone you will only be left with memories; while sending messages in the bottle will not bring them back!




Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks | Rebecca Skloot


Henrietta Lacks (HeLa): Immortal and Mysterious


Genre: Biography

Overall Rating: 4.5* 

“HeLa cells were one of the most important things that happened to medicine in the last hundred years”

 ‘The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’ takes the readers on a roller-coaster journey about an ‘Immortal Woman’ and navigates in an unfathomable past, through the lens of her family and more perceptibly her daughter Deborah. This book is a perfect amalgamation of science and emotions.

Yes! This is the story of Henrietta Lacks (Aug 1920-Oct 1951). We all know her as ‘HeLa’. The code ‘HeLa’ originated from first 2 letters of the name ‘Henrietta Lacks’ and is known for the world’s first immortal human cells. Deborah and the author Rebecca Skloot, take off on an adventurous journey to unravel mysteries of Henrietta’s life and her eldest daughter- Elsie Lacks.

Henrietta was born in Virginia, married a tobacco farmer and by the age of 31, she was a mother of 5. In 1951, Henrietta visited John Hopkins hospital complaining of a knot in her womb. She had a history of blood in urine, gonorrhoea, and increased cellular activity in the cervix. Back then, Hopkins was one of the best hospitals in the country, especially for African-American patients. Howard Jones, the gynaecologist in charge of Henrietta’s case diagnosed her with cervical cancer and the biopsy report revealed a malignant tumour. She began undergoing treatments with Radium which, along with mutating healthy cells also killed cancer cells.

Dr. George Gey, head of tissue culture research at Hopkins discovered that Henrietta’s cells were­­ extraordinary and doubled every 24 hours.

 “Henrietta’s cells weren’t merely surviving; they were growing with mythological intensity. They became the first immortal human cells ever grown in a laboratory.”

 Dr. Gey propagated the HeLa cell line and circulated gallons of HeLa cells to researchers all over the world free of cost. Soon, HeLa cells became famous and the most coveted cells. As HeLa was becoming more valuable day-by-day for the healthcare industry, Henrietta’s family was completely oblivious of these events until more than 20 years after her death.

 As the book progresses, the author deep dives into Henrietta’s life through her daughter Deborah. Deborah struggles from countless questions about her mother and sister Elsie who died at a mental shelter at the young age of 15. Deborah’s inquisitiveness leads her to discover some of the most disturbing truths about her family giving her a nervous breakdown.

Moving to the scientific aspect, the book also encompasses the chronology of several breakthroughs in the field of medical science. Scientists conducted numerous experiments on HeLa cells. Little did they know that these cells were not donated by Henrietta voluntarily, rather a part of the tumour was cut from her cervix during her treatment of cervical carcinoma.   

HeLa cells made the world a better place by contributing in various discoveries and research studies. Some of the noteworthy contributions are world’s first polio vaccine in 1952, cancer research, cloning of individual cells, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine, successfully understanding the HIV using HeLa and ways to potentially stop it, chromosome study to determine that humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. HeLa cells were the first human cells sent to space to study the effect of zero gravity on human cells.

 The story of Henrietta’s life sent shivers down my spine and there were always mixed feelings while reading this book. My heart sank reading the struggles of Henrietta and her family but I was thankful as well for her contribution to the medical science. It is heart-breaking that no one knew or tried to learn about Henrietta’s life and her family, until recently.

The woman who changed the face of science and created history is still addressed by her lab code - HeLa and not as an individual. Every biology class in the world is incomplete without teaching about HeLa cells. Yet, she is still unfamiliar and a mystery to many. 

The author has successfully managed to make a positive impact on the society. It has captured the attention of the audience from all the fields.  This book is a tribute to a wonderful woman, her family, and their sacrifices that were long overdue. The world will remember Henrietta Lacks as a remarkable woman who not only brought smiles and happiness in the lives of the people when she was alive but also continues to do so years after her death.


Norwegian Wood | Haruki Murakami

Genre:- Romance, Fiction, Bildungsroman Overall Rating: 3.5* Hmm! Quirky, unsettling, entangled love stories, coming of age is what Norwegia...